April 27, 2015

Shall We Gather At The Table

Have you ever looked up the definition of a table?   The definition is quite diverse as we find  the list to include noun, architecture, tables, music, jewelry, adjective, verb, parliamentary tables and idioms. I like the definition of "an article of furniture consisting of a flatlike, slablike top supported on one or more legs or other supports".

A thick slab of wood in a deep rich color or a shabby white , a little nicked with love,  that is sturdy giving  support to the center energy of a home.  A table can be  filled with food, flowers, a  worn crevice where bread was kneaded, a gathering spot for family or friends, loving craft table..oh yes a table is teeming with endless possibilities for a rewarding energetic creative palette..your palette

The next time you gather at the table take a long gaze at your table. With an fresh approach take the step to be  innovative with what you can create with love and passion.

"The table is a meeting place, a gathering ground, the source of sustenance, and nourishment, safety and satisfaction.  A person cooking is a person giving:  Even the simplest food is a gift." - Laurie

Sustenance:  something (such as food) that keeps someone or something alive
: something that gives support, help or strength -merriam-webster definition

The quintessential Gypsy's Table is my perfect haven!  I hope you find yourself to be in your perfect haven!

Happy Gathering

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