May 02, 2015

Morning Musings

A glorious first Saturday of the month with cooler temperatures this morning.  A delicious kind of day to grab a cup of joe, make mine a french press please, grab a few little snacks with drinks and head off an adventure.

I love to visit little places near me that always create a joy within me as I drive along the roads to see the peppered side roads, pastures, even gardens of wildflowers savoring deeply  the heady rich aromas of the beauty that I embrace.  Roadtrips are so fun as you can map out a course or not to visit farmers markets, roadside stands, wildflower garden centers, first and third weekend markets, vineyards, local restaurants.  Oh my...grab your hat, your gypsy attitude and be ready to take off on an adventure that is surely to bring a smile, a giggle with a gorgeous sunset to cap the day!

I love to visit Wimberley on the first weekend as the market is a nest egg of abundance of pearls in store for you to purchase, visit vendors and gather great ideals for a project or two.  After my fun visit then I am off to the Leaning Pear, a local restaurant, with offerings of delicious hill country cuisine.

Happy Adventures!  On the road again!

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